Monday, January 13, 2014

The Sling Diaries, Vol. IV // Everything Shines: Dreams

During my seventh month of pregnancy I found out it was possible for Luna to be having dream activity during her sleeping states. There were so many things that amazed me during that sacred time of carrying life, but I remember with such clarity the awe and wonder I felt at this notion of our unborn daughter, asleep and dreaming in my womb. What possible sorts of magic could those dreams be made of? Oscar and I talked ideas of a new earth, celestial beings, rainbow dancing, all the mysterious intricacies of starlight. We waited in great anticipation for her arrival and for the arrival of those heavenly dreams, wondering what kind of impact and influence they would bring, always hoping to be able to guide her through knowing and understanding herself through this process and ritual of sleep.

All throughout ancient civilization, we see recorded in our history this incredible respect and reverence for dreams, their meanings, and their link to the spiritual world. The Bible references dreams or visions and their guidance over seven hundred times. Priests residing in original Grecian and Egyptian temples were actually dream interpreters and people would come to them whenever looking for insight into the symbolism of their dream life, and the actions suggested to take thereafter. The significance of dreaming only began to fade as cultures developed and a line was drawn between the mystical and religious. It became a subject of avid interest again when Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams in 1900, and modern psychology has since that time come up with countless ways of analyzing and deciphering dreams, but none of them go back to the type of magic we envision when we think of our sweet Luna dreaming.

We wish for nothing less than for her, and ourselves, to see angels in our dreams, to hear the voice of God gently speak, to be guided by the great mystery. The city too often sang the modern song that turned down the mystic tone on dreams of old, and we moved into the mountains to give this desire for spiritual dreaming the space to blossom and grow. We moved into the mountains to attune ourselves to silence, to become sensitive to what our bodies and spirits need, to understand the quiet dance of nature, the secret of ancient ways. We moved into the mountains to remember the feeling of moonlight, to relearn the language of the wind, to see the signs in the sky. I am thankful for this land we together explore by day and the bed we share by night. May our guided dreams lead us only to deeper, greater, richer things.



This post is part of the Sakura Bloom Sling Diaries. I'm wearing a simple silk sling in sandstone. All photos were taken around our home by the amazing Cori Jean. Luna actually fell asleep in her sling (which she rarely does nowadays) as soon as we were done with taking these. Pretty perfect for a post on dreams! Thanks so much for following along. We love you and hope you have a happy Monday!


  1. I am in love with your beautiful family! These photos are breathtaking. Your words are inspiring. <3

  2. so much love & vibrations are in these photos x

