Monday, March 3, 2014

On The Road Again!

Oscar and I are dreamers. When we first started dating, we were fueled by a mutual interest to travel and see the world, develop and explore our artistic passions, and live a life outside of any box or shape there had ever been. Finding out we were pregnant so soon after our relationship began really put us in a situation where we could either decide that our dreams were over, or that they were just beginning. We chose to dive full-force into believing they were just beginning, and have taken many leaps of faith into the unknown for the sake of following those dreams. It has been a wild ride, but I am so thankful for all of the experiences and growth along the way. Paving our own path for pregnancy and birth, starting our family business, moving out of the city, and developing a beautiful integration where we've turned our passions into our living; all of it has been so rewarding, but our hearts are calling for more!

Over the past few weeks, we've been talking a lot about the direction our family is headed in with living here in Alpine, and what things we really want to build our life around. The more we've been talking, the more we have developed this total sense and understanding of everything working together so perfectly, and we're excited to share all of the details we have in place so far! I'm so excited I really am having a hard time even knowing how to explain all of this but to put it in one sentence- We are moving to my parent's house in order to save money, record an EP for our new family band, sell our belongings, buy a trailer and hit the road, where we plan to travel the country mining for crystals, exploring national forests, playing music in living rooms and backyards (hopefully yours!), and getting a taste of the life and land across the states. We want to meet you and your children, to share stories and music around the fire, and to cook meals together with food from your favorite markets and farms. We've had this dream for so long but have always thought we needed to wait until we had more money, or until Luna was older, or etc. But we just feel such a sense and a calling that now is the time, and we are excited to move forward with this adventure!

All of the details for our trip will be worked out and shared over the next few months, as we plan and map and save and continue to connect with all of you. We have already started recording our EP for The Cove, which will be a guitar/vocal collaboration between Oscar and myself. There will be songs in English and Spanish and this first EP is taking on such a unique theme, it's really going to be such a fun project and we can't wait to share! Our goal is to have it released by the beginning of summer, with our tour kicking off around the beginning of fall. It's going to be a lot of work to get done in a short period of time, but like I said, we are dreamers and we dream BIG! A huge part of the reason we are able to pursue these dreams is because of the support we receive through our blog, Instagram, and Etsy shop, and we just can't say enough how great that has been and how grateful we are. This online family of ours has become so much bigger of a thing than we ever could have imagined and we feel thrilled to become even more connected with you through real life visits and conversations. It's also going to be such a privilege to continue our crystal healing business on the road while being able to provide stones that we will be collecting from all over the country.

We hope that through spreading our dreams and passions in this way, we will fuel others on to go for it and do the same, and together we will create a new way for our children!

With lots of live and light from our hive to yours,

Ashley, Oscar, Luna & Francois

*Photo by CJeanPhotography


  1. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration. I am finally, after many ups and downs, on my path to happiness. You inspire me daily through your instagram posts. I feel so fortunate to get to watch your journey progress. Much love from Double N Urban Farm!
    XO, Nicole

  2. I'm soexcited for you guys!! I can't wait to watch you document your adventures and explore this vast beautiful world together thanks for always being a positive inspiration. And if your ever in northeast Florida you will have a place to stay on our farm!

  3. If you're in or around Lancaster County, PA, please post! Would love to meet you!

  4. Fantastic! You are living my dreams. If you're traveling through western Kentucky and want to help me with my garden and camp your heart away, you've got a place! (

